
Africa miniature image

Vastalla has been shortlisted by the African Development Bank

Vastalla, together with its African partner, has been shortlisted by the African Development Bank and it can bid for a 3-years framework contract that covers Business Intelligence activities. In case the bid is successful the activities agreed with Bank will be either offshore or onsite at the Bank’s sites in Tunis (Tunisia), Abidjan (Ivory Coast) and Pretoria (South Africa).

The African Development Bank is the institution whose mission is to promote sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty in Africa.

This important result rewards Vastalla’s decision to go abroad and offer its competencies to international Clients. It is also the result of Vastalla’s important references in Business Intelligence area.


Vastalla at NASA's AMES Research Center

Vastalla at NASA AMES Research Center

On 10th March, 2014 Vastalla was a guest at NASA AMES Research Center at Moffett Field, Mountain View, California (USA). During the morning NASA AMES Research Center described its long history and the areas of activity today. Vastalla presented its own competencies, past and present projects in Space. Vastalla had the opportunity to talk to AMES directors of Mission Design, Human Systems Integration and partnerships. During the afternoon several laboratories and structures were shown, among them Arc Jet and Wind tunnel.

Vastalla at NASA AMES Research Center

TÜV Sud logo

Vastalla is now ISO 9001:2008 certified

During this difficult period in Italy (and not only), Vastalla is carrying on with investments. Other than all the Research & Development projects, Vastalla is now UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified.

These investments, together with all the planned ones, are part of a precise strategy to differentiate from competitors.

Having a third party certified quality system UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 is a further statement of Vastalla’s belief in the quality of its activities and processes. This is a clear message to all its prospect Customers who don’t know Vastalla yet.

Further info can be obtained at the following link.


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Use-it-wisely (UIW) – FP7 Research project has started

Collaborative Research & Development “Use-it-wisely” (UIW) project has started on 1st September 2013. The project, which will last over 3 years, has been selected by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7). The FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FoF(RTD) call was issued on December 2012 and centered on Factories of the Future (FoF).

The kick-off will be held in Tampere (Finland) on September.

Vastalla is partner in the UIW project in the Space cluster together with Thales Alenia Space Italia and ALTEC (Advanced Logistics Technology Engineering Center). VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is the coordinator of UIW project.

Further information is available at this link.


Workshop – Intellectual Property Rights and IT security

A workshop that will deal with Industrial Property and IT security issues will be held in Turin, Italy at the Turin Chamber of Commerce on Friday 26th July 2013.

Vastalla’s managing director will speak on Cybersecurity and ISO 27001 certification issues.


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STEPS: Systems and Technologies for Space Exploration – final event

On 9th May, 2012 the final event of R&D project STEPS – Systems and Technologies for Space Exploration – has been held in Turin. STEPS has been financed by Piedmont Region in the framework of the Piedmontese Aerospace Platform using European funds.

Thales Alenia Space is the lead company and many partners, Vastalla included, have been part of the project; among them the Polytechnic of Turin, University of Turin, University of Eastern Piedmont and other 23 SMEs.

Vastalla has contributed to the project in two Work Packages dealing with issues in:

  1. Human Machine Interface;
  2. Engineering Multidisciplinary Support Tools.

For more info on Vastalla’s R&D projects go here.

STEPS project concluded successfully and it has been appreciated by Piedmont Region, European Space Agency (ESA) and Italian Space Agency (ASI).

STEPS demonstration in front of Piedmont's governor

In the image above Piedmont Region Governor Roberto Cota assists to the STEPS final demonstration at Thales Alenia Space’s Collaborative System Engineering (COSE) Centre in Turin. Vastalla presents the outcome of its activities.

STEPS Rover demonstration

In the image above the scaled Pressurized Rover, airlock included (on the rear) and part of the scaled Lander.

The demonstration has seen the Rover moving on the ‘Martian’ terrain specifically prepared at ALTEC premises. Turin-based ALTEC is the Italian center of excellence for the provision of engineering services to support operations and utilization of the International Space Station and other space systems.


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Vastalla joins the Italian Space Technology Platform (SPIN-IT)

Turin (Italy), March 2012

Vastalla joins the Italian Space Technology Platform (SPIN-IT).

“SPIN-IT Space Innovation in Italy” is the Italian Space Technology Platform, whose aim is fostering innovation and strengthening Italian participation in Space Applied Research carried on in European and international programs.

This platform, which is composed by Italian companies, universities and research centers, has been founded by Italian enterprises associations with support from the Italian Ministry of University and Research.

SPIN-IT acts as a collaboration partner with the Italian Space Agency, following the Agency’s 2010-2020 strategic manifesto.